100 research outputs found

    Learning Hybrid Process Models From Events: Process Discovery Without Faking Confidence

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    Process discovery techniques return process models that are either formal (precisely describing the possible behaviors) or informal (merely a "picture" not allowing for any form of formal reasoning). Formal models are able to classify traces (i.e., sequences of events) as fitting or non-fitting. Most process mining approaches described in the literature produce such models. This is in stark contrast with the over 25 available commercial process mining tools that only discover informal process models that remain deliberately vague on the precise set of possible traces. There are two main reasons why vendors resort to such models: scalability and simplicity. In this paper, we propose to combine the best of both worlds: discovering hybrid process models that have formal and informal elements. As a proof of concept we present a discovery technique based on hybrid Petri nets. These models allow for formal reasoning, but also reveal information that cannot be captured in mainstream formal models. A novel discovery algorithm returning hybrid Petri nets has been implemented in ProM and has been applied to several real-life event logs. The results clearly demonstrate the advantages of remaining "vague" when there is not enough "evidence" in the data or standard modeling constructs do not "fit". Moreover, the approach is scalable enough to be incorporated in industrial-strength process mining tools.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figure

    Partial-order-based process mining: a survey and outlook

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    The field of process mining focuses on distilling knowledge of the (historical) execution of a process based on the operational event data generated and stored during its execution. Most existing process mining techniques assume that the event data describe activity executions as degenerate time intervals, i.e., intervals of the form [t, t], yielding a strict total order on the observed activity instances. However, for various practical use cases, e.g., the logging of activity executions with a nonzero duration and uncertainty on the correctness of the recorded timestamps of the activity executions, assuming a partial order on the observed activity instances is more appropriate. Using partial orders to represent process executions, i.e., based on recorded event data, allows for new classes of process mining algorithms, i.e., aware of parallelism and robust to uncertainty. Yet, interestingly, only a limited number of studies consider using intermediate data abstractions that explicitly assume a partial order over a collection of observed activity instances. Considering recent developments in process mining, e.g., the prevalence of high-quality event data and techniques for event data abstraction, the need for algorithms designed to handle partially ordered event data is expected to grow in the upcoming years. Therefore, this paper presents a survey of process mining techniques that explicitly use partial orders to represent recorded process behavior. We performed a keyword search, followed by a snowball sampling strategy, yielding 68 relevant articles in the field. We observe a recent uptake in works covering partial-order-based process mining, e.g., due to the current trend of process mining based on uncertain event data. Furthermore, we outline promising novel research directions for the use of partial orders in the context of process mining algorithms

    Analysing the Control Software of the Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider

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    The control software of the CERN Compact Muon Solenoid experiment contains over 30,000 finite state machines. These state machines are organised hierarchically: commands are sent down the hierarchy and state changes are sent upwards. The sheer size of the system makes it virtually impossible to fully understand the details of its behaviour at the macro level. This is fuelled by unclarities that already exist at the micro level. We have solved the latter problem by formally describing the finite state machines in the mCRL2 process algebra. The translation has been implemented using the ASF+SDF meta-environment, and its correctness was assessed by means of simulations and visualisations of individual finite state machines and through formal verification of subsystems of the control software. Based on the formalised semantics of the finite state machines, we have developed dedicated tooling for checking properties that can be verified on finite state machines in isolation.Comment: To appear in FSEN'11. Extended version with details of the ASF+SDF translation of SML into mCRL

    Digital Health Data Imperfection Patterns and Their Manifestations in an Australian Digital Hospital

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    Whilst digital health data provides great benefits for improved and effective patient care and organisational outcomes, the quality of digital health data can sometimes be a significant issue. Healthcare providers are known to spend a significant amount of time on assessing and cleaning data. To address this situation, this paper presents six Digital Health Data Imperfection Patterns that provide insight into data quality issues of digital health data, their root causes, their impact, and how these can be detected. Using the CRISP-DM methodology, we demonstrate the utility and pervasiveness of the patterns at the emergency department of Australia's major tertiary digital hospital. The pattern collection can be used by health providers to identify and prevent key digital health data quality issues contributing to reliable insights for clinical decision making and patient care delivery. The patterns also provide a solid foundation for future research in digital health through its identification of key data quality issues, root causes, detection techniques, and terminology

    The 4D nucleome project

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    Denying bogus skepticism in climate change and tourism research

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    This final response to the two climate change denial papers by Shani and Arad further highlights the inaccuracies, misinformation and errors in their commentaries. The obfuscation of scientific research and the consensus on anthropogenic climate change may have significant long-term negative consequences for better understanding the implications of climate change and climate policy for tourism and create confusion and delay in developing and implementing tourism sector responses

    Detection and localization of early- and late-stage cancers using platelet RNA

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    Cancer patients benefit from early tumor detection since treatment outcomes are more favorable for less advanced cancers. Platelets are involved in cancer progression and are considered a promising biosource for cancer detection, as they alter their RNA content upon local and systemic cues. We show that tumor-educated platelet (TEP) RNA-based blood tests enable the detection of 18 cancer types. With 99% specificity in asymptomatic controls, thromboSeq correctly detected the presence of cancer in two-thirds of 1,096 blood samples from stage I–IV cancer patients and in half of 352 stage I–III tumors. Symptomatic controls, including inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases, and benign tumors had increased false-positive test results with an average specificity of 78%. Moreover, thromboSeq determined the tumor site of origin in five different tumor types correctly in over 80% of the cancer patients. These results highlight the potential properties of TEP-derived RNA panels to supplement current approaches for blood-based cancer screening

    Appendices to reduction rules for block-structured workflow Nets

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    Process models are used by human analysts to model and analyse behaviour, and by machines to verify properties such as soundness, liveness or other reachability properties, and to compare their expressed behaviour with recorded behaviour within business processes of organisations. For both human and machine use, small models are preferable over large and complex models: for ease of human understanding and to reduce the time spent by machines in state space explorations. Reduction rules that preserve the behaviour of models have been defined for Petri nets, however in this paper we show that a subclass of Petri nets returned by process discovery techniques, that is, block-structured workflow nets, can be further reduced by considering their block structure in process trees. We revisit an existing set of reduction rules for process trees and show that the rules are correct, terminating, confluent and complete, and for which classes of process trees they are and are not complete. In a real-life experiment, we show that these rules can reduce process models discovered from real-life event logs further compared with rules that consider only Petri net structures

    Robust process mining with guarantees

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    Robust process mining with guarantees

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    Organisations store a lot of data from their business processes nowadays. This execution data is often stored in an event log. In many cases, the inner workings of the process are not known to management, or, for instance, only vaguely resemble their three-year old PowerPoint design. Gaining insights into the process as it is executed using only an event log is the aim of process mining. In this thesis, we address three aspects of process mining: process discovery, conformance checking and enhancement.</p